Springer Spaniel
The name 'Springer' is derived from the use of this type of Spaniel to startle the bird into the air so that they spring upwards. The English Springer, with his black-and-white or liver-and-white markings, is the traditional dog for the rough-shooter? a dog capable of working tirelessly all day; ready to enter water even when he has to break ice to do it.Like so many of the gundog breeds, his cheerful extrovert nature has endeared him to the general public, and he is in great demand as an energetic companion for a growing family. His thick coat is tough and weather resistant, but like so many Spaniels, his lengthy ear flaps need to be kept well trimmed if he is not to suffer from uninvited seeds and twigs getting inside the more sensitive depths of the ears themselves.
Official breed status was accorded the English Springer in 1902. He took his present name in 1900 after being known for many years as the Norfolk Spaniel.
More information on the breed can be found on the Kennel Club website